Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who or what is MiLibraryQuest?
2. When did this start?
3. How does MiLibraryQuest work?
4. How do I contact MiLibraryQuest?
5. When did the first quest occur?
6. How can I (a library) get involved?
7. How can I (a teen) get involved?
8. How can I (a librarian) get involved in a committee?
9. When is the next quest?
10. What can you tell me about the MiLibraryQuest logo contest?

1. Who or what is MiLibraryQuest? MiLibraryQuest is series of statewide virtual quests for teens. A group of library staff work together to create innovative, fun, and competitive quests for teens in Michigan in collaboration with Library of Michigan and public libraries throughout the state. Participation in these quests is open to all teens in Michigan as well as all public libraries. Participating for both libraries and teens is free. Libraries must register in advance (details in the "for libraries" tab). Teens will enter after completing the quest (details in the "current quest" tab).
2. When did this start? In the spring of 2020, at a Library of Michigan Teen & Youth Services virtual meeting, volunteers came forward to investigate some ideas aimed at creating virtual programming for teens. From this initial steering committee, MiLibraryQuest has grown to more than 100 Michigan libraries working together to offer teen quests twice each year.
3. How does MiLibraryQuest work? Participating libraries host clues or other items on their own websites for teens to discover. The ability to add a logo and a clue or other information on your library website is required. Teen participants are given a story or quest information which will lead them to participating library websites to solve the mystery or complete the quest. Teens submit their answers and enter their libraries' prize drawing through an online form. MiLibraryQuest committee members forward the teen entries to their respective libraries. (Teens whose home libraries are not participating in MiLibraryQuest will have their names sent to participating libraries who agree to accept these entries). Participating libraries then decide what prizes or rewards they will give to their teens and at what levels (participants, drawing from winning names, etc.) Participating libraries also decide what age their library considers “teen.”
4. How do I contact MiLibraryQuest? You can email us at
5. When did the first quest occur? The first MiLibraryQuest was held July 1-31, 2020. The quest had a fantasy theme that involved finding and collecting items to help King Thaddeus slay the dragon terrorizing his kingdom.
6. How can I (a library) get involved? If you (as a library) would like to participate, please sign up for the current quest on the "for libraries" tab. If you (as a librarian) would like to help create and publicize the next quest, please sign up for a committee on the "for libraries" tab. MiLibraryQuest welcomes volunteers to help plan, implement, and publicize the quests.
7. How can I (a teen) get involved? To participate in the MiLibraryQuest go to the "Current Quest" tab at the top of this page.
8. How can I (a librarian) get involved in a committee? Current MiLibraryQuest committees include: Quest story/content creation, Publicity, and Website. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up for a committee on the "for libraries" tab.
9. What's the next quest? Summer Quest 2025 start on June 16, 2025. All entries will need to be submitted by July 31, 2025.
10. What can you tell me about the MiLibraryQuest Logo Contest? Held in the winter of 2020/2021, the Logo Contest was open to all teens in Michigan to create an overall logo for future quests. Josephine Sokoloski created the winning design which featured our state outline, an open book, and a magnifying glass.